Center for Strategic Communication

Pussy Riot II: the closing statements

[ by Charles Cameron — theopolitics in the closing statements of the Pussy Riot team ] . In my most recent post, I outlined some of the theological and political contexts that can add nuance to our understanding of the Pussy Putin trial.  Here I want to point up...

The most contested piece of real-estate on earth

[ by Charles Cameron — Jerusalem and apocalyptic sentiment, not at the emergency crash warning level, but still something to keep an eye out for ] . . If you’re interested, as I am, in the ways that end-times theology impacts geopolitics, whether in its...

Recommended Reading: salad

[ by Charles Cameron — a follow up to Recommended Reading: the meat, discussing the word Christianist, also an intellectual foundation for the desire to fuse church and state ] . In a comment on Daveed and Laurel’s post, Tim Mathews writes: The views of a...

A digital Mahdi? No way…

[ by Charles Cameron — a computer virus with mild Mahdist implications ] . Mahdi: targeted entities, credit: Seculert via Wired . Ah. From a religious studies standpoint, the targeting here is curious. Iran is the country of the Mahdaviat, the nation whose...