Center for Strategic Communication

The black flags of Athens and Athos

[ by Charles Cameron — mostly about monks vs riot police on the Holy Mountain ] . I’ve written often enough about the black banners in Islamic iconography — here are two examples of black flags from Greece, one of them specifically Christian: The...

Thy game be won?

[ by Charles Cameron — a theology of little things, sports and wars included ] . Let’s start with Tim Tebow, and phrase the issue this post raises as a question: ** The headline of a TMZ post, God Is Saving the Broncos … Says Colorado Pastor, clearly...

A valedictory for Pope Benedict XVI

[ by Charles Cameron — the Pope announces his retirement — from a life of power to a life of prayer ] . ** The Code of Canon Law states in Canon 332, No. 2: If it should happen that the Roman Pontiff resigns his office, it is required for validity that he...

Ashura: the Passion of Husayn

[ by Charles Cameron — today’s solemn commemorations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India in comparative religious perspective ] . I was listening to Mozart‘s Requiem last night, and it is rich in grief shot through with glory. That’s the...