Center for Strategic Communication

Of visionary rings, chariots — and tanks

[ by Charles Cameron — responding to Steve Engel’s comment on my post Purim, or Israel vs Iran redux? ] . Steve picked up on the image of the Merkabah, Ezekiel‘s visionary chariot as five wheels with wings in his comment today: noting their...

Raqqa, Syria: the Stations of the Cross

[ by Charles Cameron — a small devotional exercise for our sometimes too-secular world ] . In the upper image of the pair above, a crowd in Raqqa, Syria, is protesting the desecration of a church by Islamist enthusiasts who had pulled down the cross atop a...

Nairobi tweets 1: Bulletproof?

[ by Charles Cameron — taking a hint from the twitter stream of HSM Press and running with it ] Update: As of Monday morning 11am California time: I now think it’s clear that the twitter stream I was commenting on in this post and the second in the series...

Flags, shrouds, martyrs and the Fallen

[ by Charles Cameron — burial flags, shrouds on the unknown, and the black banner seen from a new angle ] . I feel grief. ** We are, by now, all too well aware of the cost of war in lives. Sometimes those lives are of unknown souls, perhaps belligerents, perhaps...

Of the arm, fist and rifle

[ by Charles Cameron — product from a neat, brief convo with Ibn Siqilli aka Chris Anzalone ] . I found the upper image in the same Visual References post from Chris Anzalone that I recommended recently in two comments here [figs 2, 3, 3B] and here. If you look...