Center for Strategic Communication

Hermit Kingdom of Darkness

North Korea’s shopworn game of bluster, threaten, bully, violate international norms and eventually be rewarded with concessions and bribes has stopped working, which is why there now is a crisis. With the suckers (ROK, USA and Japan) refusing to play three card...

Lost and found in translation

[ by Charles Cameron — first of two quick posts, this one’s about when the same is the same and when it isn’t quite ] . Dahlia Iyad, a member of Black September in the Thomas Harris novel, Black Sunday, is portrayed (above) in John...

The War and Peace koan, episode n+1

[ by Charles Cameron — glimpsing the Necker Cube effect, when the weapons of war meet the prayers of peace ] . Necker cube image credit — . A while back I co-authored a book with a physician friend, Cleaves Bennett MD, on the control...