Center for Strategic Communication

A Brief Note on the Benghazi Hearings

There is legitimate room for debate if there could have been an effective military reaction to the attack in Libya by al Qaida terrorists that killed Ambassador Stevens and other US personnel.  One was apparently never seriously entertained  by senior White House,...

Grand Blog Tarkin’s Hoth Symposium

Grand Blog Tarkin is hosting a symposium on the Battle of Hoth. Sparked by WIRED magazine’s original debate begun by Spencer Ackerman, Grand blog Tarkin’s Symposium features some of the finest sci-fi war nerd speculation from keen strategic thinkers from...

When myth breaches the news media ocean

[ by Charles Cameron — Draupadi in the Mahabharata, the anonymous med student recently gang-raped on an Indian bus ] . Humpback whale breaching, source: Wikipedia under CC Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license. Some people go out on the oceans and watch...

New Book: The Violent Image by Neville Bolt

The Violent Image by Neville Bolt  Columbia University Press just sent me a review copy of The Violent Image, by Dr. Neville Bolt of King’s College vaunted War Studies Department.  Initially, I was amused by the colorful book jacket, but flipping through, it...