Center for Strategic Communication

March 16th: Purim, or Israel vs Iran redux?

[ by Charles Cameron — still trying to cover some of the major feasts and fasts of the world’s religions in calendar time, which can open on occasion into timelessness — Chag Purim Sameach! ] . Jan Lievens, The Feast of Esther, ca 1625 From the North...

Cheryl on Ukraine, March 1 2014

[ posted by Charles Cameron — essentially a guest-post swiped from Cheryl Rofer ] . .Map credit: U Texas Perry-Casteñeda Library Map Collection ** Here is blog-friend Cheryl Rofer‘s latest update on Ukraine, for your reading interest: I’ve been...

Unequal equations

[ by Charles Cameron — math, modeling and mapping, in that strange zone where beauty meets understanding ] . The upper equation — Euler‘s — gets as tight and definitional as one can get, yet is profound in the way the greatest haiku are…...

Bouleversé by forgiveness

[ by Charles Cameron — not just “thinking outside the box” — how about upending the whole thing and seeing what shakes out? ] . FWIW, this isn't the world, nor is it upside down — it's just a rather different map, eh?. A...