Center for Strategic Communication

Pattern recognition: backlash

[ by Charles Cameron — on human obstinacy, a change of heart, and what seems to me a major piece from Res Militaris ] . There’s a pattern of backlash that occurs when you present people with facts that don’t fit their preconceptions — they...

Echevarria and the Irrational in Strategy

Adam Elkus alerted me to an insightful op-ed by Dr. Antulio Echevarria of SSI: Op-Ed: Is Strategy Really A Lost Art? …. Instead, we need to rediscover the value of strategizing relative to the outcome, the product, an individual strategy. The hard truth is that...

Serpent logic and related

[ by Charles Cameron — where paradox begets form in phrasing, redux ] . Here for your entertainment and entrainment are some further instances where the tweet doubles back on itself, bites its tail, or otherwise embodies some form of “form”...

Bomb Syria?

[by Mark Safranski a.k.a. “zen”] There is much ado about a prospective Western (i.e. American) aerial campaign to bomb the Iranian allied Alawite-Baathist dictatorship Syria over use of chemical weapons against primarily al Qaida allied Sunni Islamist...