Center for Strategic Communication

Tyrannicide and the Lost Republic

“Beware the Ides of March” T. Greer gave me a rousing recommendation that I read the following post on the death of Julius Caesar by Burt Likko of The League of Ordinary Gentlemen blog. Greer was correct, it was outstanding. You should read the post in...

Grand Blog Tarkin’s Hoth Symposium

Grand Blog Tarkin is hosting a symposium on the Battle of Hoth. Sparked by WIRED magazine’s original debate begun by Spencer Ackerman, Grand blog Tarkin’s Symposium features some of the finest sci-fi war nerd speculation from keen strategic thinkers from...

“Sin, Death, and Hell have set their Marks on Him”

King Richard III  The bones of Richard III, Shakespeare’s greatest villain and the last King of England to be killed in battle have been discovered and identified by DNA testing: ….There were cheers when Richard Buckley, lead archaeologist on the hunt for...