Center for Strategic Communication

Conkers (the game) and Deep Learning

[ by Charles Cameron — offered to 3QD ] . This is my second submission attempting (and failing) to become a regular contributor at the fine web-aggregator known as 3QD — you can read my first here. On rereading this more recent attempt, I am not sure I...

Go googled, GBG still to go: 1

[ by Charles Cameron — games, games, games — & prepping a challenge for AI, the analytic community & CNA ] . Playing go, Hasegawa, Settei, 1819-1882, Library of Congress ** In the past, computers have won such games as Pong and Space Invaders:...

War, Games and morale

[ by Charles Cameron — on gaming “living and moral forces” — with a whiff or two of Montaigne ] . ** Let’s start with Clausewitz, On War. He says — and we’d be wise to pay attention — “most of the matters dealt...

DoubleQuote as Match Cut

[ by Charles Cameron — further passing notes in the virtual music of ideas, including meditations for glass bead game players ] . From the agile algorithmic eyes at Archillect: — Archillect (@archillect) October 12, 2015 A match...

Gaming the Islamic State three ways from Sunday

[ by Charles Cameron — what hipbone thinking / gaming could and should bring to the natsec table ] . I have just been browsing the Institute for the Study of War‘s report on its ISIS wargame, and thought I’d wargame ISIS a bit myself, using my...