Center for Strategic Communication

Conkers (the game) and Deep Learning

[ by Charles Cameron — offered to 3QD ] . This is my second submission attempting (and failing) to become a regular contributor at the fine web-aggregator known as 3QD — you can read my first here. On rereading this more recent attempt, I am not sure I...

Pope Francis : Francis Bacon

[ by Charles Cameron — and a tradition of natural philosophy profound enough to include Francis of Assisi ] . It’s a small point, perhaps, but M. Anthony Mills had a piece in The New Atlantis last Fall titled Is Pope Francis Anti-Modern? — which I...

Go googled, GBG still to go: 1

[ by Charles Cameron — games, games, games — & prepping a challenge for AI, the analytic community & CNA ] . Playing go, Hasegawa, Settei, 1819-1882, Library of Congress ** In the past, computers have won such games as Pong and Space Invaders:...

As opposed to carnivores, militarily speaking

[ by Charles Cameron — discussing the Iran deal, Gershom Gorenberg introduces me to some Israeli slang ] . Source: ** Gershom Gorenberg is a friendly acquaintance from Center for Millennial Studies days, and his book The End of Days: Fundamentalism...

Hipbone’s Games, Emlyn’s critique

[ by Charles and Emlyn Cameron — my thousandth ZP post, and his first — in which my son schools me in making my games more responsive to the requirements of decision-support ] . Alexander Calder, "Yellow Sail", 1950, Weatherspoon Art Museum,...