Center for Strategic Communication

The play’s the thing but blood is its trumpet

[resuscitated by Lynn C. Rees] A book review of Max Hastings’ book Winston’s War: Churchill, 1940-1945: John F. Kennedy said that in 1940 Churchill mobilized the English language and sent it to battle. But that was the problem. Churchill saw war in...

The White Paper and its Critics

Someone for reasons unknown last week leaked the classified Department of Justice “White Paper” on targeting with drone attacks the numerically tiny number of US citizens overseas who have joined al Qaida or affiliated groups. The leak set off an outburst...

When you have a worldview, it all fits together

[by Charles Cameron — the difficulty of difference, plus a poem for M ] . . When you have a worldview, it all fits together pretty seamlessly. You see a map of record high temperatures such as the one above, swiped from emptywheel today, and it’s either...