Center for Strategic Communication

Sixty Years after Stalin

Sixty years ago one of the greatest monsters in history, a mass-murderer of tens of millions many times over, the yellow-eyed, “Kremlin mountaineer”  breathed his last. We live, deaf to the land beneath us, Ten steps away no one hears our speeches, All we...

“Sustaining” your Way to Serfdom as a Grand Strategy

Friend of the blog, commenter L.C. Rees, likes to point out that one of the most important part of a grand strategy, particularly one that is maintained despite evidence of being a geopolitical failure, are the domestic political effects that work to the advantage of...

Guns and The New Paternalism

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg      Photo credit: The New York Times  Longtime reader and blogfriend Eddie Beaver sent me a link to an article by NYT columnist, Ross Douthat. In my view, Douthat has written a fairly important observation of a political dynamic...

Book Review: Kill Decision

Kill Decision by Daniel Suarez  Shlok Vaidya did an early review of Kill Decision here previously. I finally have caught up to Shlok and I’m ready to add my two cents without giving away any spoilers: First, I enjoyed the book. Kill Decision is a tense,...

On Eric Hobsbawm

I was going to comment on the death of the famed historian who was the Soviet Union’s most venerable and shameless apologist, but I was beaten to it in a brilliant piece by British blogger and fellow Chicago Boyz member, Helen Szamuely: A great Communist crime...