Center for Strategic Communication

The Foreign Service: Missing Once Again

By Patricia H Kushlis I spent Memorial Day morning at the ceremony at the Veteran’s National Cemetery in Santa Fe, New Mexico which honored America’s service men and women who gave their lives fighting for this country as well as those who became disabled as a result....

Where’s the Vision? Where’s the Dream?

By Patricia Lee SharpeSatire, shock, ugly facts—since 9/11 the U.S. has tried practically every psychological approach to discourage young people from joining up with Al Qaeda and ISIS, according to Greg Miller and Scott Higham in the Washington Post.   A Tale of...

Victory for Putin, or Skewed Reporting?

By Patricia H Kushlis Even during the darkest days of the Cold War, leaders of the US and the Soviet Union met to discuss areas of agreement and disagreement to keep international conflicts from escalating out of control.  Such was Secretary John Kerry’s recent...