Center for Strategic Communication

Turkey – Russia

By Patricia H Kushlis The Turkish military’s downing of a Russian SU-24 was no accident but neither was the Kremlin’s overflight of Turkish territory nor its attacks on Turkmen living in regions of Syria close to the Turkish border.  Russian violations of Turkish...

Twice Deceived: the U.S. by Pakistan’s I.S.I.

By Patricia Lee SharpeThe myth holds that Pakistan’s I.S.I. (aka the Interservices Intelligence Agency) is on top of everything.  Its generals are the puppeteers who control Pakistan.If so, the infallible ISI has failed, miserably, at least twice in the last few...

Saudis Playing with Fire

By Patricia Lee SharpeIf the documents recently made public on Wikileaks are authentic, and they appear to be, then Saudi Arabia seems to be doing a more ambitious job of public diplomacy than the U.S., its originator and once thoroughly competent practitioner. ...

Greece, Germany and The EURO – Even on Sundays

By Patricia H Kushlis Since Greece’s founding in the 1820s, no hard left wing party has governed the country before SYRIZA came to power in January. There’s one thing about winning an election; another about negotiating a country’s vital interests at the international...