Center for Strategic Communication

Lind on “the Navy’s Intellectual Seppuku”

William Lind had a very important piece regarding an extraordinarily ill-considered move by the Navy brass: The Navy Commits Intellectual Seppuku  The December, 2013 issue of the Naval Institute’s Proceedings contains an article, “Don’t Say Goodbye to Intellectual...

The Automatic State?

(by Adam Elkus. I will be guest posting occasionally at Zenpundit. I am a PhD student in Computational Social Science at George Mason University, and a blogger at The Fair Jilt, CTOVision, Analyst One, and my own blog of Rethinking Security. I write a column for War...

Elkus interviews Charles Cameron at Abu Muqawama

[ by Mark Safranski a.k.a “zen”] Longtime friend of ZP,  Adam Elkus interviews our own Charles Cameron at the highly regarded Abu Muqawama blog: Interview Charles Cameron  [….]  AE: How has the study of apocalyptic tropes and culture changed (if it...

Geometry aka logic as an analytic tool

[ by Charles Cameron — reflections on cognitive empowerment by selective noticing ] . . I just realized that I take notice of details at the level of “geometry aka logic” which I would miss if I were more focused on content. In effect, I treat...