Center for Strategic Communication

The Tragedy of the Strategist

(by Adam Elkus) Lynn Rees pitied the geopolitical nerd. I pity the modern strategist. This is my attempt at expanding on Rees’ entry, now that it is back up on the Interwebs. And by expand, I will do (in my own way), an post that idiomatically draws on the style...

Culmination in the Large

(by Adam Elkus) A while ago, Lynn Rees and I discussed whether the concept of a culminating point was something that occurred more generally outside of warfare. One of the key aspects of a Clausewitzian understanding of war and strategy in general is the transience of...

“For the Soldiers of the Future”

(by Adam Elkus) One of my favorite television shows when I was younger was the Japanese sci-fi anime Gundam Wing. The characterization was awful, the giant robots were kind of lame, and the fights often were not all that suspenseful. However, it had a very interesting...

Coercion and Social Cohesion

(by Adam Elkus) Reader PRBeckman left a very great comment on my “Legibility at War” post, placing the WWI draft effort in perspective: The federal government wanted to conscript millions of eligible men, but it had no information about those men and it...