Center for Strategic Communication

Wearing their t-shirts like football uniforms

[ by Charles Cameron — preliminary thoughts about an Indian group photograph, Tamils & the calphate ] . I talked about “caliphate” merchandise just the other day, and pointed specifically to t-shirts. I’m sorry to say those tees have now...

What We Are Reading… July 31, 2013

Putting America’s Energy Leverage to Use John Hoeven and John McCain / The Wall Street Journal Today, the U.S. has the leverage to liberate our allies from Russia’s stranglehold on the European natural-gas market. Thanks to new technologies such as...

Coming soon to a world near you?

[ by Charles Cameron — privacy, drones, & movies — with a tip of the hat to John Robb ] . ** Robb has words for us at his hideously-named post, Botageddon, on Global Guerrillas today: The end game for botageddon is less than thirty years out....