Center for Strategic Communication

The Battle of Algiers / Black Friday koan

[ by Charles Cameron — a tale of two films, two conflicts, two cities ] . Are these two positions — take one side, take both sides — reconcilable? That’s the koan, the paradox that’s facing me, after seeing two terrific films by these two directors...

The Pillar of Cloud and the Pillar of Fire

[ by Charles Cameron — IDF terminology and the Gaza conflict, explanations of Exodus, an IDF video, Megillah 10b and the koan “with God on our side” / “with God on all sides” ] . photo credits: Schristia, Cloud; Chris Tangey, Fire....

Details, nuances and blind-spots…

[ by Charles Cameron — Zen, Mahdism, and the importance of details ] . If you hear the phrase, “Details, details” from time to time, you may have noticed it is often accompanied by a sigh. . I’m never quite clear on which came first, the saying...

Form is Insight: the project

[ by Charles Cameron — about the (not yet titled) book (or post-book project) i seem to be writing, which offers a grand slam intro to an array of box-free contemplative and artistic approaches to creative thinking, and hence opens fresh angles on intelligence ]...

One hand Clapping: or is the DNI a Zen Pundit?

[ by Charles Cameron — silos, motorcycles, zen and the DNI ] . . Pam Benson writing at the CNN Security blog may or may not have had anything to do with the title of her post, Spy chief gets Zen, but she’s presumably responsible for her first paragraph:...