Center for Strategic Communication

Octavian Manea interviews MIT’s Roger D. Peterson

Another installment of Octavian Manea’s excellent COIN interview series at SWJ. This one focuses on social science and varieties of insurgency: Breaking Down “Hearts and Minds”: The Power of Individual Causal Mechanisms in an Insurgency  ….OM: In your...

The 2012 Warlord Loop Reading List at SWJ

Small Wars Journal has published the national security reading list  composed by members of  The Warlord Loop, a private listserv run by Colonel John Collins (ret.). You will find a wide-ranging list of titles in history, IR, strategic studies, military history,...

SWJ: Manea interviews Fernando Lujan

The latest in the series of COIN interviews by Octavian Manea: COIN and Other Four-Letter Words: Interview with AfPak Hand Major Fernando Lujan  OM:  In early 2009, I made a tour of a few DC think tanks.  At the time everybody was talking about COIN. Why did COIN...