Center for Strategic Communication

Comparative safety: NSA and Burma

[ by Charles Cameron — clear proof that blasphemy is more provocative than ironic protest ] . It is apparently safer for the Electronic Frontier Foundation to put headphones on the US bald eagle as featured in the seal of the National Security Agency…...

The Creepy-State attracts Creeps

[by Mark Safranski, a.k.a. “zen”] Big Brother’s little brothers are listening in on your calls, tapping your data When the government and ruling elites fashion a Creepy-State, it inevitably spawns a surveillance arms race. If your private data is...

Two in the wild from @tinyrevolution, plus one

[ by Charles Cameron — in which my doppelgänger Jon Schwartz of Tiny Revolution comes up with a few of my ideas before I’ve even woken up, see “background” below ] . I’m posting this first pair of images with my friends Mike Sellers and...

Serpent logics: a ramble

[ by Charles Cameron — continuing my exploration of a pattern language of thoughts, both verbal and imagistic ] . This is a ship-shipping ship, shipping shipping ships. via @usmanm — Nat. Maritime Museum (@NMMGreenwich) October...