Center for Strategic Communication

On understanding Hijra

[ by Charles Cameron — the lure of exile, of hijra, in the context of western jihadists going abroad ] . Whereas the Prophet’s first visionary reception of the Quran dates to 609-610 CE, and the Prophet himself was born some 40 years earlier, the Islamic...

The black flags of Athens and Athos

[ by Charles Cameron — mostly about monks vs riot police on the Holy Mountain ] . I’ve written often enough about the black banners in Islamic iconography — here are two examples of black flags from Greece, one of them specifically Christian: The...

Love, Death, and Jihad by Pen and Sword

[ by Charles Cameron — with Wagner and Abu Dujana as examples, the cognitive sting here is in the tail — the power of a double image to engage both emotion and insight ] . Love and death. ** The human mind thinks in parallelisms and oppositions. My lords,...