Center for Strategic Communication

Intelligence for Dummies

On Monday, the National Intelligence Council (NIC) released its Global Trends 2030 report, a quadrennial strategic assessment detailing long-term projections for the international security environment. The current report was authored with acknowledgement by the NIC...

What Are We Reading

Special Note: Remembering Senator Warren B. Rudman The American Security Project (ASP) expresses its condolences to the family and friends of Senator Warren Rudman on news of his passing Monday night.  Senator Rudman was a pillar of leadership while in government...

A Misunderstanding of Smart Power

Al Jazeera uses highlights sports diplomacy with Latin and South America to discuss U.S. policy towards Syria. Yesterday, Al Jazeera English aired a segment discussing the use of “smart power” in the Middle East. Smart power is the combined application of hard and...

Still a Need for Hard Power

This past week, Bruce Stokes and Richard Wike of the Pew Research Center wrote an op-ed for CNN discussing the results of Pew’s recent polling of America’s stature in certain parts of the world. Their title, “World to America: We want soft, not hard power” draws...