Center for Strategic Communication

Non-dual Islam and Iraq

[ by Charles Cameron — a tale of Sunni, Shia and Sushi ] . ** It’s a remarkable image, with viral potential to be sure, but there’s a practical side to it too — I found it at the head of an IQNA (ie Iranian) article from February, titled...

Observations of a religion watcher

[ by Charles Cameron — ISIS in Iraq, the battle of Badr, and 5,000 swooping angels ] . . Two days ago, under the title Iraq army capitulates to Isis militants in four cities, the Guardian reported: The extent of the Iraqi army’s defeat at the hands of...

I have set before you life and death

[ by Charles Cameron — tasking Heuer’s ACH theory with the old question of revelation vs scientific discovery? ] . For a very pithy take on the pivotal question facing those who adhere to the literal interpretation of a given scripture as God’s...