Center for Strategic Communication

Jimmy Chen declares DQ on War

[ by Charles Cameron — juxtaposition offers us a potent way to connect “equal but opposite” dots ] . Jimmy Chen at HTMLGiant captures the griefs and joyful reliefs of war by juxtaposing two war photos that had separately become iconic — and...

Form is Insight: the project

[ by Charles Cameron — about the (not yet titled) book (or post-book project) i seem to be writing, which offers a grand slam intro to an array of box-free contemplative and artistic approaches to creative thinking, and hence opens fresh angles on intelligence ]...

A triptych for Jane McGonigal

[ by Charles Cameron — on play, games, vertigo and koan — technically this is a ludibrium, a jeu, a jest — a dervish whirl for the mind ] . . I’m joining the conversation Jane McGonigal is leading over on Big Questions Online — our topic...