Center for Strategic Communication

What eye and mind can reasonably absorb

[ by Charles Cameron — visual thinking, graphical presentation, the magical number seven plus or minus two, human intelligence ] . Look: click image to download pdf & see pp 12-13 for closer, full-size look Got it? That’s part of a double-page spread...

Pussy Riot VI: counterpoint and counterfactuals

[ by Charles Cameron — compare and contrast as a means of contextualizing, suggesting a tool that might be of use to the IC in any number of circumstances ] . In this particular case, Pussy Riot is the topic, comparison with is the method, and some form of...

Silent reading, silent thinking, bifocal glasses

[ by Charles Cameron — two forms of creativity: far out and close in ] . . Some of the most obvious things aren’t obvious at all, until you think of them. The things my friend Derek Robinson talks about as being in the beforeground. Too close to notice /...

Two annexes to my post: It’s an abomination!

[ by Charles Cameron — finding feedback loops in blindspots, truths in symbols, strength in ideas ] . photo credit: Mobile News UK. It is in the nature of analogical thinking that it moves sideways, or more precisely, in honeycomb fashion, rather than forwards...