Center for Strategic Communication

Gaza now stretches all the way to Disneyland

[ by Charles Cameron — on the hopelessly interdisciplinary nature of reality ] . ** There really is no limit to the diversity of strands which go into a complex tapestry such as that of Gaza. Jean-Pierre Filiu has written, and Hurst will shortly publish, his...

Humanitarian intervention in the Mesozoic: lukewarm

[by Lynn C. Rees] Article II, Section 3 of our Constitution opens with this strongly worded suggestion: He shall from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and...

Theology matters: sun god moon god

[ by Charles Cameron — on soundbite mischaracterizations in a volatile and complex world ] . Isn’t it time we stopped maligning each others’ religions with third-rate “theological” speculations? The upper panel here is taken from a WND...

Observations of a religion watcher

[ by Charles Cameron — ISIS in Iraq, the battle of Badr, and 5,000 swooping angels ] . . Two days ago, under the title Iraq army capitulates to Isis militants in four cities, the Guardian reported: The extent of the Iraqi army’s defeat at the hands of...