Center for Strategic Communication

Two beauties, or how the mind meanders

[ by Charles Cameron — on the proposition that no topic is more than a link or two away from beauty ] . I was butting in on a conversation about terrorism between JM Berger and Suzanne Schroeder — JM had said something about me and I chipped in, one link...

Jimmy Chen declares DQ on War

[ by Charles Cameron — juxtaposition offers us a potent way to connect “equal but opposite” dots ] . Jimmy Chen at HTMLGiant captures the griefs and joyful reliefs of war by juxtaposing two war photos that had separately become iconic — and...

The War and Peace koan, episode n+1

[ by Charles Cameron — glimpsing the Necker Cube effect, when the weapons of war meet the prayers of peace ] . Necker cube image credit — . A while back I co-authored a book with a physician friend, Cleaves Bennett MD, on the control...

An Afghan Buddha koan

[ by Charles Cameron — for Madhu ] . Our friend Madhu has requested that I post poems here on occasion, and this particular poem made me think of her and her request, so here it is: A copper and gold koan . The world happened, the world is drifting away, the...