Center for Strategic Communication

Nina Paley’s OTSOG genius

[ by Charles Cameron — Nina Paley is as strong an argument as I know both for the idea that individual genius exists, and (not so paradoxically) that it arises OTSOG — “On the shoulders of giants” as Robert Merton has it ] . It’s always a...

An old Boyd reference to you, maybe — new to me

[ by Charles Cameron — John Boyd in pop culture ] . I have just gotten access to Generation Kill, the HBO miniseries about the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, Marine Corps, during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and was accordingly surprised to stumble across this...

Poetry in the Square

[ by Charles Cameron — the public square, that is, and specifically Tahrir Square ] . The Square, directed by Jehane Noujaim — a documentary tracking the lives of six people in Tahrir Square through the two recent Egyptian revolutions — just won the...