Center for Strategic Communication

200 lashes for a Saudi rape victim???

[ by Charles Cameron — how a half-baked, re-raked tale from 2007, now showing on my local Facebook, gets things all wrong ] . Let’s set the record straight. It seems that Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times did the amplification in this case. He...

Branding the Syrian Jihad: the cars

[ by Charles Cameron — keeping up with the branding thing ] . A hat tip to Aymenn Al-Tamimi for each of these two images: Sources: above, a car with Islamic State of Iraq & ash-Sham branding below, an Islamic State of Iraq & ash-Sham police car ** And in...

Are Insurgencies “Antifragile”?

I have been reading Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s latest book,  Antifragile . It’s a highly intriguing book and I will give it a full review soon, but Taleb’s core concept of antifragility is important  and lends itself to wide application. Here’s...

The Boston Bombers and Superempowerment

My friend Dave Schuler who blogs at the excellent The Glittering Eye and on foreign policy at Dr. James Joyner’s Outside the Beltway , queried me as to what I thought of the Boston Bombers in light of the concept of the Superempowered Individual. For those not...

Red lines and the credibility arms race

[The views and opinions expressed here are solely the responsibility of Lynn C. Rees. They may not necessarily reflect the official views or opinions of Zenpundit]  To deter, Barack Obama has publicly drawn a red line between tolerable and intolerable. We now watch to...