Center for Strategic Communication

Letting Terrorists Wander Off

By Brady Kiesling, Guest Contributor Brady Kiesling served two tours as political officer at the U.S. Embassy in Athens before resigning in 2003 over USG policy. He is the author of “Diplomacy Lessons” (2006), and “Greek Urban Warriors,” his booklength study of Greek...

Zapping Syria: Don’t Do It, Mr. President

By Patricia Lee Sharpe For years you have been smart enough not to be drawn into the Red Line trap vis-à-vis Iran, despite Israel’s incessant demands that you draw that line in the sand. And then! You foolishly boxed yourself in, publically drawing a Red Line re Syria...

Manning and Snowden: Folk Heros in the Making?

 By Patricia Lee Sharpe Walter Pincus of the Washington Post tells us that “data Mining is here to stay.” He points to a wide variety of commercial uses as well as the now well-publicized NSA practices that have aroused so much indignation. Those who object, he...