Center for Strategic Communication

Nina Paley’s OTSOG genius

[ by Charles Cameron — Nina Paley is as strong an argument as I know both for the idea that individual genius exists, and (not so paradoxically) that it arises OTSOG — “On the shoulders of giants” as Robert Merton has it ] . It’s always a...

Breaking the Tablets, Breaking the Vessels

[ by Charles Cameron — from Oklahoma via Moses in Egypt and Lurianic Kabbala in Safed to the contemporary understanding of tikkun olam ] . A deranged man drove his car into a 6′ representation of the 10 Commandments near the Oklahoma state Capitol a day or...

One grief, all worlds

[ by Charles Cameron — from Gaza to Mt Sinjar and beyond, the universality and singularity of grief ] . One grief at a time is enough. It is “unbearable”, meaning that it arrives at the limit of what we single humans can possibly endure. How can one...