Center for Strategic Communication

Of blood and song

[ by Charles Cameron — what carves memory? blood is spilled, song carries grief and anger across centuries ] , One hundred years ago, Irish blood was spilled in the Easter Uprising of 1916, as Sinéad O’Connor & The Chieftains call us to remember in...

Susan Hasler on Trump & Cruz, Yeats on 1916

[ by Charles Cameron — the self-examining word ] . Hasler‘s Getting the response to terrorism completely wrong — which goes after Trump and Cruz by name — was published tomorrow — it’s 11.58pm Sunday here in California. Yeats‘...

Aesthetics of love & death

[ by Charles Cameron — relics of a catacombs martyr, St Valentine and more ] . ** There are times when the DoubleQuote format is confining, and the comparative method it is based on could be uswed effectively with more than two examples. Here consider also: The...

JM Berger swiftly doubletweets Seamus Hughes

[ by Charles Cameron — coffee on the rocks with blarney ] . Seamus Hughes tweets: Dunkin donuts are hotspots of radicalization. Trust me, I have an anecdotal evidence. — Seamus Hughes (@SeamusHughes) March 4, 2016 to which JM...