Center for Strategic Communication

Religions in the speech of Malala Yousafzai

[ by Charles Cameron — a speech worth close attention ] . . I bypassed several opportunities to hear or read Malala‘s speech today, until Shivam Vij tweeted that she had mentioned Badshah Khan. That caught my attention — Khan is not the most...

Of Alice, Angels and Apsaras

[ by Charles Cameron — squeezed between the space of astronomers and the paradise of the believers, is there yet room for the dancing play of poetry, music and imagination? ] . My first question for you today would be — do you believe in Alice? And further...

Arresting Citizens, part II: Religion

[ by Charles Cameron — on the religious and irreligious attributes of the sovereign citizen movement, with a glance at syncretism and the Grateful Dead ] . . ** There’s something of a question as to whether the US sovereign citizens movement is religious...

Valentine — our first global saint?

[ by Charles Cameron — a mixed reception for St Valentine and his Day ] . Above: Pakistan, 2103. Below: Saudi Arabia, 2013 ** Blog-friend Omar Ali has a piece up at the Brown Pundits blog, How easy is it to be accused of blasphemy in Pakistan? — which...

Battling bus ads revisited

[ by Charles Cameron — today’s “shout it from the rooftops” is “advertise it on the bus” — the wars of sound-bite religion, plus special extra, the perils of dehumanization ] . . I am pretty sure that when Sojourners puts up...