Center for Strategic Communication

On Time and timeframes

[ by Charles Cameron — 48 hours, Egyptian time, can mean many things, also DoD foresight, next 48 hrs ] . We seem to have at least four “times” here, ranking from 12 to 72 hours — or zero to 72 if you take the Army’s announcement itself...

Of plagues of locusts, then & now?

[ by Charles Cameron — the juxtaposition of sacred and secular worldviews, and what happens where they overlap ] . ** I’m returning here to an old theme of mine, the juxtaposition of worldviews — in this case, accounting for plagues of locusts in...

Of hot spots and feedback loops

[ by Charles Cameron — with a pinch of humility which, if you ask me, burns hotter than any pepper ] . . Micah Zenko at the Council on Foreign Relations‘ Politics, Power, and Preventive Action blog raised a question yesterday that I found irresistible:...

Book Review: Kill Decision

Kill Decision by Daniel Suarez  Shlok Vaidya did an early review of Kill Decision here previously. I finally have caught up to Shlok and I’m ready to add my two cents without giving away any spoilers: First, I enjoyed the book. Kill Decision is a tense,...