Center for Strategic Communication

How passionate was Red team’s eschatology?

[ by Charles Cameron — wondering how close we are to deep recognition of the millenarian nature of IS ] . I sense a “change of direction” coming in discussions of terrorism — and IS / Daesh specifically — in the wake of Dempsey‘s...

Pattern recognition: backlash

[ by Charles Cameron — on human obstinacy, a change of heart, and what seems to me a major piece from Res Militaris ] . There’s a pattern of backlash that occurs when you present people with facts that don’t fit their preconceptions — they...

Of short stories and a dark sacrament

[ by Charles Cameron — a powerful tale of “de-radicalization” as metanoia ] . Munir . Munir, by his own account, was drifting under the influence of various radical Muslim clerics, Abu Hamza al-Masri among them. One’s never too sure about the...