Center for Strategic Communication

Pussy Riot II: the closing statements

[ by Charles Cameron — theopolitics in the closing statements of the Pussy Riot team ] . In my most recent post, I outlined some of the theological and political contexts that can add nuance to our understanding of the Pussy Putin trial.  Here I want to point up...

Pussy Riot, Holy Foolishness and Monk Punk

[ by Charles Cameron — mystery beyond the senses, holy of holies behind the veil, altar beyond the iconostasis, and other considerations bearing on Orthodoxy, Pussy Riot, holy folly and monastic punk ] . Life is full of surprises. glorious photo credit: choir...

Warlords Revisited

“The horror! The horror! Charles Cameron sparked a discussion with his doublequotes post on two colonels, the late strategist John Boyd and the fictional monster,  Walter Kurtz from Francis Ford Coppola’s classic Vietnam War film homage to Joseph...

It Seems the Oligarchs Distrust their own Creepy-state

I previously made note of the emergence of an authoritarian Creepy-state element in American government, enjoying bipartisan popularity with this era’s predominantly Boomer elite politicians, CEOs and academic activists. Largely because this growing surveillance...