Center for Strategic Communication

Love, Death, and Jihad by Pen and Sword

[ by Charles Cameron — with Wagner and Abu Dujana as examples, the cognitive sting here is in the tail — the power of a double image to engage both emotion and insight ] . Love and death. ** The human mind thinks in parallelisms and oppositions. My lords,...

Profiling Baader-Meinhof

[ by Charles Cameron — fast cars, bumper stickers — and no mention of loose women ] . — I’m not a member of the Baader-Mainhof gang. The sentence that drives my title is this one, from How BMW Became A Terrorist Icon In The 1970s (And How It...

Bouleversé by forgiveness

[ by Charles Cameron — not just “thinking outside the box” — how about upending the whole thing and seeing what shakes out? ] . FWIW, this isn't the world, nor is it upside down — it's just a rather different map, eh?. A...

The Sounds of Silence and Your Own Mind

Scott Shipman had an excellent book review post An Unknown Future and a Doubtful Present: Writing the Victory Plan of 1941 — a review-lite and a few questions in which he discussed the intellectual seriousness and evolution of war planner   Major Albert C. Wedemeyer...

Gaza negotiations: sincerity and symmetry

[ by Charles Cameron — sincerity and symmetry as the basis for dialog and negotiation ] . . If you read me regularly, you know I’m passionate about form as well as content. Here’s the New York Times report on the interactions between Presidents Obama...