Center for Strategic Communication

Juxtaposition: Qutb & Bahnsen

[ by Charles Cameron — also Harun Yahya and Joel Richardson ] . I’ve said before that juxtaposition does not imply eqivalence. It does, however, provide a striking means of raising questions, pointing up similarities where differences are also present and...

Think and think again

[ by Charles Cameron — the world is not always built to our expectations, eh? ] . Here are a couple of “unexpected consequences” — unexpected in this case because the local context in which they arose isn’t the context that the...

What the PK Dickens?

[ by Charles Cameron — conceptual echoes in a PK Dick bio-flick ] . ** I have just been watching Mark Steensland’s movie, The Gospel According to PK Dick, and a couple of fine parallelisms – echoes, really – struck me. I’m going to start with one quote from the...