Center for Strategic Communication

How Buddhism gets around in Burma these days

[ by Charles Cameron — Aung San Suu Kyi and U Thein Sein dance a quick pas de deux, but what comes next? ] . Aung San Suu Kyi to Burma army: Deny me presidency and I'll become effective prime minister.

Buddhism and Islam: please note disclaimers

[ by Charles Cameron — on monk Wirathu, also the trickiness of images-with-quotes on social media ] . The quote from Wirathu (upper panel, above) is a direct quote from a NYT interview with him: You can be full of kindness and love, but you cannot sleep next to...

Comparative safety: NSA and Burma

[ by Charles Cameron — clear proof that blasphemy is more provocative than ironic protest ] . It is apparently safer for the Electronic Frontier Foundation to put headphones on the US bald eagle as featured in the seal of the National Security Agency…...