Center for Strategic Communication

Brief brief: on the Futility of Fatwas

[ by Charles Cameron — a new angle on the “fatwa” approach to defeating IS / Daesh? ] . ** The Sudanese journalist Nesrine Malik, writing on the Huffington Post under the title The Futility of Fatwas, has some ideas worth considering. I’m by no...

Maajid Nawaz and the Hadith Qudsi

[ by Charles Cameron — coded signalling, or “a nod is as good as a wink” ] . ** Maajid Nawaz‘s An Ex-Radical’s Open Letter to ISIS Fighters: Quit Now While You Can! just published by The Daily Beast gives us an invaluable insight into the...

Rape as Strategy: Gaza and London

[ by Charles Cameron — at least three ways of looking at a pair of tweets ] . If there can be Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird, there are at least three or four ways of looking at these two tweets: The similarities are eerie, the differences are enormous....