Center for Strategic Communication

Mostly it’s religion, now and then it’s sports

[ by Charles Cameron — beheadings and the questions they raise ] . ** Tim Furnish, friend of this blog, had a piece titled Beheading in the Name of Islam in the Middle East Quarterly back in 2005, in which he wrote: The February 2002 decapitation of Wall Street...

Dateline, June 5th 2012

[ by Charles Cameron — screengrabs from a very recently posted video, mostly Taliban with just a smidgeon of NSA ] [edited to add: please see warning in comment below] . Scary, hunh? Yeah? ** No, this is not from a NSA / Prism video — I’ll have just...

I am not Kafka. But..

[by Charles Cameron — a very preliminary salute to James Bennett and Michael Lotus’ new book, with blues harp to match ] . . Okay, I’m a snapper-up of unconsidered trifles, a jackdaw, not the most consistent of readers — but I did stumble upon...

Grand Blog Tarkin’s Hoth Symposium

Grand Blog Tarkin is hosting a symposium on the Battle of Hoth. Sparked by WIRED magazine’s original debate begun by Spencer Ackerman, Grand blog Tarkin’s Symposium features some of the finest sci-fi war nerd speculation from keen strategic thinkers from...

Elkus on Policy Relevance

Intriguing and vigorously argued piece by Adam over at Abu Muqawama Relevant to Policy? Are we in a 1914 scenario in East Asia? How often do guerrillas succeed? Did counterterrorism law erode national sovereignty? These are just a few of the important questions that...