Center for Strategic Communication

Lost and found in translation

[ by Charles Cameron — first of two quick posts, this one’s about when the same is the same and when it isn’t quite ] . Dahlia Iyad, a member of Black September in the Thomas Harris novel, Black Sunday, is portrayed (above) in John...

The Battle of Algiers / Black Friday koan

[ by Charles Cameron — a tale of two films, two conflicts, two cities ] . Are these two positions — take one side, take both sides — reconcilable? That’s the koan, the paradox that’s facing me, after seeing two terrific films by these two directors...

Nir Rosen Among the Alawites

Controversial journalist Nir Rosen is, by my standards, a left-wing extremist with carcinogenic political views. On the other hand, he is also a fearless and skillful war correspondent who goes places to report where few others dare; as a result, Rosen is usually...

Obama’s Foreign Policy Gamble on the Moderate Islamists

As you probably already know, the US Embassy in Cairo Egypt was stormed today by Islamists supposedly angry about a video on Youtube supposedly made or endorsed by anti-Muslim Quran-burner and bigot Rev. Terry Jones. The embassy, deliberately left without sufficient...