Center for Strategic Communication

ASP Election Video Series: Nuclear Security

Terri Lodge, ASP’s nuclear security director, discusses her thoughts on some of the biggest questions surrounding the future of US nuclear security. Among other things, Terri declared that nuclear security should not become too politicized. Cold, hard facts should...

Reading the IAEA Report

By Mary Kaszynski and Mitchell Freddura Every time the International Atomic Energy Agency issues a new report on Iran, news media and political pundits often end up misreading it. To counter the flawed interpretations that are sure to follow the latest report, ASP’s...

Military Leaders Urge Caution on Iran

Amid growing talk of war from Israeli political leaders (and questions about whether the saber-rattling is serious or a feint), U.S. military leaders are pushing back against calls for military action. “From our point of view, the window is still open to try to work...

Senator Lugar on Securing Syria’s Chemical Weapons

Photo credit: Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Every day brings a new twist to the Syria crisis. Monday, the prime minister defected from the regime. Now,  Assad forces have reportedly begun a new offensive in Aleppo (live updates from The Guardian...