Center for Strategic Communication

What diplomacy is for

[by Lynn C. Rees] What Angelo Codevilla writes on what diplomacy is for has rarely been topped: By their very nature, diplomacy and military force are means to the ends of statecraft as well as channels by which governments press their agendas onto others. Neither is...

Does Skynet dream of electric Clausewitz?

[revived from long sleep by Lynn C. Rees] Lego Terminator The parable of Skynet, written by James Cameron long before he inflicted Leo-cicles and giant blue Thundercats on an unsuspecting public, crystallized fear of artificial intelligence (AI) for a generation...

Humanitarian intervention in the Mesozoic: lukewarm

[by Lynn C. Rees] Article II, Section 3 of our Constitution opens with this strongly worded suggestion: He shall from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and...

John Quincy Adams on Gaza

[redacted with extreme prejudice by Lynn C. Rees] Our relations with Spain the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) remain nearly in the state in which they were at the close of the last session. The convention of 1802 Oslo Accords of 1991 and 1995, providing for the...


[by Lynn Rees] Angellism before Angell, at the dawn of the French Revolution: French military might strode defiantly across the land, contemptuous of the political calculus with which other governments anxiously weighed enmities and alliances, weakening the forces of...