Center for Strategic Communication

Rage Against the Machines

Human Rights Watch recently put out a report demanding a ban on fully autonomous weapons system and more scrutiny, as well as additional legal controls, to regulate the development and proliferation of robotic weapons. Human Rights Watch wants an international treaty...

Does a drafted public make better policy?

The relationship of citizen to soldier within the United States is a complicated one. For most of American history, the brunt of federal military power came from volunteers. Even during the Civil War, when conscription was most justified since the Revolution, not even...

Proxy War and the Continuing Pitfalls of Double Games

In my last post here, we looked at some of the issues inherent in the use of client and partner states in tackling the issues of counterterrorism. However, there are many cases where the United States has and will have to work with non-state or parastatal actors. At a...

The Persistent Dangers of Double Games

Although America’s past and emergent counterterrorism strategies frequently raise concerns about unilateralism, the multilateral and cooperative aspects remain relatively low in visibility. Actual or merely perceived unilateral acts, such as JSOC direct action raids...