Center for Strategic Communication

International News Coverage

Middle East, ISIS, Terrorism, and Counterterrorism

Muslim Scholars Release Open Letter To Islamic State Meticulously Blasting Its Ideology

Lauren Markoe | Huffington Post

More than 120 Muslim scholars from around the world joined an open letter to the “fighters and followers” of the Islamic State, denouncing them as un-Islamic by using the most Islamic of terms.

First female UAE pilot part of ISIS strikes

Morning Joe | MSNBC

The United Arab Emirates’ first female fighter pilot took part in strikes against ISIS this week, and ambassador to the U.S., Yousef al Otaiba, who joins Morning Joe to discuss.

U.S. strikes in Syria against al-Qaeda’s Khorasan group kill one of its leaders

Karen DeYoung, Greg Miller and Loveday Morris | The Washington Post

U.S. missile strikes against an obscure al-Qaeda cell in Syria killed at least one of the group’s leaders, delivering what U.S. officials described as a significant but not decisive blow to a terrorist group accused of plotting attacks against Europe and the United States.

Airstrikes Hit ISIS-Controlled Oil Refineries

Scott Neuman | NPR

The U.S. and some of its Arab coalition partners have conducted another round of airstrikes in Syria, hitting oil refineries that have fallen into the hands of Islamic State militants, who officials say are funding themselves with the petroleum revenues.

Iraqi PM: Plot to attack New York, Paris subways uncovered

The Associated Press

Iraq’s prime minister said Thursday his country’s intelligence operation has uncovered a plot for an imminent attack on subway systems in United States and Paris.

Iran signals nuclear deal with West is possible

The New York Daily News

In a wide-ranging speech, he also said a nuclear agreement is possible before the November deadline if the West wants a deal and shows flexibility. He said a deal would create a new day for cooperation in the region and internationally, including on combating violence and extremism.

Allies in war, U.S. and Arabs at odds at U.N. nuclear meeting

Fredrick Dahl | Reuters

They may be joining forces in a new Middle East conflict, but Arab nations are defying the United States at a major meeting of the U.N. nuclear watchdog by trying to crank up pressure on Israel over its assumed atomic arsenal.



Ukraine plans to apply to become EU member
Mario Trujillo | The Hill

Ukraine’s president on Thursday said he would outline a plan to join the European Union by 2020, according to reports.


 Asia Pacific

China-Japan Relations Ease Back From Brink
Toko Sekiguchi and Chun Han Wong |Associated Press

China and Japan have eased back from the brink, quietly in recent weeks and more openly this week, with representatives of the two nations holding what they described as cordial talks on maritime security and business relations.

Will Narendra Modi’s visit boost India-US ties?

Brajesh Upadhyay | BBC

When Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi takes the stage at New York’s Madison Square Garden on Sunday to address an audience of more than 20,000 people, it will be the highlight of his maiden visit to the US.


Climate Change

Renewable Energy Plan Hinges On Huge Utah Caverns

The Associated Press

A proposal to export twice as much Wyoming wind power to Los Angeles as the amount of electricity generated by the Hoover Dam includes an engineering feat even more massive than that famous structure: Four chambers, each approaching the size of the Empire State Building, would be carved from an underground salt deposit to hold huge volumes of compressed air.

Expanded US Ocean Preserve To Be World’s Largest

Josh Lederman | The Associated Press

Thousands of miles off America’s shores, an ocean preserve flush with rare seabirds, turtles and marine mammals will grow to roughly three times the size of California under a memorandum that President Barack Obama signed Thursday.



Ebola Death Toll Nears 3,000 in West Africa, Says WHO
Andrew Morse | The Wall Street Journal

Nearly 3,000 people have died from the current outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa and the situation has continued to deteriorate in some areas, the World Health Organization said.


On Our Flashpoint Blog

Egypt President Sisi Must Confront Old Challenges To Bring Forward A New Egypt

Giancarlo Lima

In a wide ranging interview with Charlie Rose during this week’s UN General Assembly, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi discussed a variety of issues ranging from Egypt’s role in the coalition against ISIL, the Egyptian economy, Egypt’s relations with the Gulf, and whether the Muslim Brotherhood has a future in Egyptian society.

Secretary Kerry: ‘Energy economy of the future is a win-win’

Caroline Julia von Wurden

On Monday, Secretary of State John Kerry (one of ASPs founding board members) addressed the 2014 NYC Climate Week conference to discuss the future of climate change and its implications for the United States and the international community.

Nelson Cunningham Elected President of the American Security Project

American Security Project

This week, ASP congratulates Board Member Nelson Cunningham on his election as the new President of the American security Project.

Secretary Kerry’s Remarks at 2014 NYC Climate Week

Giancarlo Lima

On Monday, ASP founder and Secretary of State John Kerry addressed the 2014 NYC Climate Week conference to discuss the future of climate change and its implications for the United States and the international community.

Event Recap: Future of the Middle East and America’s Involvement

Sophia Dahodwala

Building off the current national conversation surrounding the ongoing turbulence in the Middle East, a cadre of panelists reflected on the future of the region and laid out several prescriptions for the United States’ involvement in the Middle East, with varying degrees of optimism and pessimism.


Upcoming Events

What’s Next? Fostering the Next Generation of Energy Security Conference
September 30 @ 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM

The next steps in building a cleaner, more resilient energy system and economy will not be easy. The American Security Project intends to build on its years of research into energy security and climate policy by initiating a study into the next generation of energy policy. Join ASP and our panelists as we discuss the next generation of energy technology and climate policy.

ASP Conference: Africa – Promoting Investment and Extending America’s Security

October 2 @ 12:00 PM – 4:30 PM

The half-day event will bring together expects from the public and private sector, as well as policy makers and members of the media to discuss the mutually beneficial impacts of US private investment on the African continent, opportunities for practical investment, and how to effectively manage the accompanying risk.

Bangladesh: Prospects and Challenges

October 6 @ 9:00 AM –4:30 PM

The full day conference will include 3 panels and a keynote address will facilitate discussion on the political, security, and economic issues facing Bangladesh and how they can impact the US going forward.



The post What We Are Reading appeared first on American Security Project.