Center for Strategic Communication

Love is a Battlefield

Mujib Mashal / Foreign Policy

Frustrated with the government for failing to create jobs or control dowry prices, many of Afghanistan’s young men remain vulnerable to Taliban recruitment.

Obama nominates REI chief executive as interior secretary

Juliet Eilperin / The Washington Post

President Obama’s unconventional pick to lead the Interior Department — a former oil engineer and commercial banker who heads the consumer co-op Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) — represents an effort by the administration to defuse the partisan fight over conservation and energy.

Iran Drone Capture Claim: State TV Airs Images allegedly Extracted from U.S. Aircraft

Nasser Karimi / AP

Iran’s state TV has broadcast footage allegedly extracted from the advanced CIA spy drone captured in 2011, the latest in a flurry of moves from Iranian authorities meant to underline the nation’s purported military and technological advances.

China Says Extremely Concerned After Latest North Korea Threats

Koh Gui Qing and Ben Blanchard / Reuters

China expressed serious concern on Wednesday after North Korea stepped up its bellicose rhetoric and threatened to go beyond a third nuclear test in response to what it sees as “hostile” sanctions imposed after a December rocket launch.

New NYC Flood Maps Miss Climate Threat to Sandy Rebuilding

Katherine Bagley / Bloomberg

When the federal government released updated flood maps for the New York City region last week, residents were shocked to find that the number of houses and businesses in the region’s flood zone had doubled since the maps were last revised, in 1986. But it now appears that those maps might have underestimated the extent of New York’s flood risk, because they don’t factor in the effects of future climate change.

Study: Opinions on Climate Change Rise and Fall With the Temperature

Jason Koebler / U.S. News

Americans’ opinions on climate change blow with the wind—with more concern shown in years that are much warmer or much colder than normal—according to a new study released Tuesday.


On Our Flashpoint Blog

ASP’s CEO attends Secretary Kerry’s formal swearing in

BGen Stephen A. Cheney yesterday attended the formal swearing in of one of ASP’s “founding fathers” and former board member – John Kerry

Russia and the U.S Can Be Partners In Preventing Nuclear Terror If A New Umbrella Agreement Is In Place

Brian Kastner

Since the creation of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Act in 1991, the United States and Russia worked together to address the threat of nuclear terrorism. But these efforts require further funding and support from both governments.

Public Diplomacy and Online Platforms: Radio Liberty’s Case

Lívia Pontes Fialho

The United States spends over half a billion dollars every year on international broadcasting. Recently in Russia, however, millions may have lost a reliable source of news.

The Cost of Japan’s Nuclear Overhaul

Kaitlyn Huppmann

Japan continues to rely on fossil fuel imports, but the new requirements for nuclear reactors will put a great deal of strain on domestic energy companies.

The Military’s Inform, Influence and Confuse Activities

Matthew Wallin

Today, Walter Pincus’ Washington Post column explored the effect of the new U.S. Army Field manual on Inform and Influence Activities (IIA). IIA is essentially a rebranding of the prior term Information Operations (IO) with a bit of tweaking.