Center for Strategic Communication

New START is working to enhance US national security

Terri Lodge / The Hill

The New START Treaty is one year old, and the results are in. This Treaty, the result of years of negotiations between the United States and Russia, works. New START enhances U.S. national security, bringing U.S. nuclear policies in line with the security challenges of the 21st century.

The Best Way the U.S. Can Help Europe out of Its Mess

Peter Charles Choharis/ Forbes

President Obama’s call for “bold and decisive action” at the G20 summit this week followed his earlier advice that Europe “inject capital into weak banks” and “lay out a framework and a vision for a stronger Eurozone… While admirable, these prescriptions are no longer either sufficient or attainable. Nor can they give Europe what it most needs: certainty, finality, and real economic reform.

How government funding of science rewards U.S. taxpayers

Fareed Zakaria / The Washington Post

It’s hard to find any good economic news these days. Europe is teetering on the brink; emerging markets such as China, Brazil and India are slowing down; and the United States is in a slump. There is one bright spot on the American landscape: technology, particularly biotechnology.

US probes Afghan tax on companies doing rebuilding

Pauline Jelinek/ Associated Press

A government watchdog is looking into Afghanistan’s practice of taxing U.S. companies involved in America’s multibillion-dollar effort to rebuild the war-torn nation.

Vote result delay frays Egyptian nerves

Alastair Macdonald and Tom Perry/ Reuters
The results of Egypt’s Presidential runoff elections have been delayed amidst allegations of fraud, further increasing tensions that threaten to spark a new wave of protests.

Syrian pilot defects to Jordan with plane

Jamal Halaby and Bassem Mroue/ Associated Press
In a development suggesting that support for the Syrian government is unravelling, a pilot from the Syrian air force has flown his MiG-21 to King Hussain Air Base in Jordan and requested political asylum.

Big UN environmental summit opens in Rio

Bradley Brooks/ Associated Press

Leaders from around the globe gathered Wednesday to open three days of talks at the United Nations conference on sustainable development, where a sober, unambitious mood prevailed as negotiators produced what critics called a watered-down document that makes few advances on protecting the environment.

U.N. observers will remain in Syria


U.N. observers will remain in Syria although escalating violence has made it too difficult for them to do their job, the U.N. mission leader said.

Confusion compounds over Mubarak’s health


Confusion over the health of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak compounded Wednesday when an attorney said he is not near death but simply suffered a fall.

Court issues arrest warrant for Pakistani prime minister nominee

Qasim Nauman/ Reuters

A court has issued an arrest warrant for the ruling party veteran poised to replace Pakistan’s ousted prime minister, local television stations reported on Thursday, deepening political uncertainty in the strategic U.S. ally.

On Our Flashpoint Blog


U.S. Budget Uncertainty Affects Industry and Strategy

Zachary Miller

The debate in Congress regarding sequestration of the defense budget will have long-term implications on national security and military planning in the next decade. While sequestration is to begin this January, the Pentagon has failed to provide a detailed strategy or scenario on how sequestration would affect their specific operations.

America’s Role as International Climate Talks Shift Focus

Carl Grote

International climate talks have become increasingly focused on sustainable development rather than emissions regulation. As a world leader in the renewable energy industry, the U.S. should embrace the opportunity for economic growth and curbed emissions.

Drilling in the Arctic

Nicholas Cunningham

Royal Dutch Shell is set to kick off the beginning of oil exploration on one the world’s last great frontiers. With Arctic sea ice melting, new opportunities are opening up for oil, gas, and mineral exploration. There is an estimated 89 billion barrels of oil and gas in the Arctic Ocean, one third of which lies off the coast of Alaska.

Budgeting for Biofuels:The Military’s Dependence on Petroleum Must be Mitigated

Robert Gardner

The volatile price of oil has incurred huge unbudgeted costs for the military, causing national security risks for the military’s operations. In light of national security risks it has become widely agreed upon that the Department of Defense should be hedging its bets against petroleum use.

About the American Security Project: The American Security Project is a non-profit, non-partisan public policy and research organization dedicated to fostering knowledge and understanding of a range of national security issues, promoting debate about the appropriate use of American power, and cultivating strategic responses to 21st century challenges.

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