Center for Strategic Communication

Echoing Ginsberg?

[ by Charles Cameron — the Holland Tunnel arrest and the beat poet’s Howl — a note on semiotics ] . A Dodge SUV registered to Higher Ground Tactical sits in the Port Authority impound yard near the Holland Tunnel in Jersey City on June 21, 2016....

Islamic State, Etat Chrétien

[ by Charles Cameron — breaking news, and I hope it stays broken ] . Here’s the breaking news in French, followed by my comments, then back to the document in question: ** There’s a symmetry to the names, Etat Chrétien and Islamic State — and a...

Review: Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy

[by Mark Safranski, a.k.a. “zen“] Blood Meridian: or The Evening Redness in the West by Cormac McCarthy Cormac McCarthy and Blood Meridian first came to my attention back in 2000 when noted literary critic, Yale professor Harold Bloom was interviewed on...