Center for Strategic Communication

The third greatest story ever told

[by Lynn C. Rees] Colleen McCullough is dead (props Razib Khan). It’s a sign of George Lucas’ complete incompetence as a storyteller that he found the third greatest story ever told and left it an abomination. It is a sign of McCullough’s greatness...

Arrow of mass

[by master-archer, Lynn C. Rees] The Strategikon, a Byzantine Roman military manual attributed to the Emperor Maurice Flavius Mauricius Tiberius, summarized Roman calvary training towards the end of the sixth century: He should be trained to shoot rapidly on foot,...

North Korea: the missing words

[ by Charles Cameron — at times the missing pieces of a puzzle are right there in plain sight — might it be a good idea to notice them? — oh, and Carthage! ] . Carthage Ports Puniques, 1958, personal collection of Bertrand Bouret, via Wikimedia I...

Tyrannicide and the Lost Republic

“Beware the Ides of March” T. Greer gave me a rousing recommendation that I read the following post on the death of Julius Caesar by Burt Likko of The League of Ordinary Gentlemen blog. Greer was correct, it was outstanding. You should read the post in...